If there is one thing that I am constantly doing, it is parenting! Why not do a blog on something that I am doing everyday of the week, 24 hours a day. I know there a lot of you out there that can relate.

When they were babies, it was as scary as anything, I still don't know how I survived those early years. Now they are older, the oldest one is 13 and the youngest is 6, and I have a new
adventure with them everyday. Having independent children is more fun than the baby stage, but I still loved every second of my babies.

If I'm going to do a blurb on parenting, I may as well introduce you to my victims, er... I mean, um... children.
My oldest, Orion, is one of the smartest kids I know. He plays basketball, the saxophone, the clarinet and also tries my patience like you wouldn't believe. He is going throu
gh puberty which means he can change his mood at the drop of a hat. It also means that whatever he is feeling, he blames on me. He is 13 years old and is an amazing kid. He learns quickly and has so many ambitions it is hard to keep them straight. He loves to build and create, cook, and when he wants to be, he is the best big brother in the world! (Note the "when he wants to be" part.)
My next angel, *smirk* is Vega. Although, she is legitimately an angel. She was born with a genetic disorder called cranial facial dysplasia. She has a lot of severe disabilities, but it could be worse. She is able to walk, talk and sass, just like the rest of the kids. She is also going into puberty which is scaring me to death. I mean my other kids I can handle, but I'm not ready
for my Vega to hit that milestone. She is 11 years old, loves Batman, Superman and all manner of other superheroes, and she adores a new pair of shoes. She loves to draw, color, paint, or anything else that she can create with her own hands. She prefers it quiet, but rarely gets that. If you offer to let her sleep over at your house, she will be your best friend forever!!
Now for my middle child, Centauri, she is 10 years old going on 20. She has decided to take it upon herself to be the second mother of the household. (Whether anyone wants her to be or not.) She has the best sense of humor and can get a laugh out of anyone. Tauri is very shy, when it comes to meeting new people (or even doing new things for that matter) it takes her forever to warm up. Once she does, however, she takes complete control and turns into the leader
of the pack. She is very bright and she loves going to school. Her teachers have always had her helping tutor the other kids, because the way she figures things out in her brain is so advanced, they can't keep her busy with her own math problems. She excels in everything she does and I am so proud to call her mine!
My fourth child is the child that my mother said I would have as repayment for who I
was as a child. Ara, my 7 year old, will be turning 8 in about 20 days. She is exactly who I was as a child. She is talkative, outgoing, over-emotional and super whiney. She doesn't have as many social issues that I had as a child, but she suffers from the same know-it-allism that I had. She is so pretty with her amazing freckles and she has a great sense of humor. She is sensitive and loving and cares about every animal that walks within a 50 yard distance of her. Her heart is always open and she is loved by everyone.
Last, but certainly not least, is my whirlwind. If I had Rigel first, I would have done everything in my power not to have any other children. He is 6 years old and I sometimes don't know what to do with him. From the very beginning he has been different. He is not Autistic, but he does suffer from SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). Which means everything he touches, hears, smells, tastes and sees is more intense than what we perceive them to be. He has a super nose that can smell a piece of candy being unwrapped in Japan. He knows the difference between the chaos of Wal-mart on a Saturday and the peacefulness of the Smith's on a Sunday morning. When he is hungry you may as well just run away screaming. He is also the absolute sweetest kid there is. He is so loving and kind. He is always thinking of ways to make his daddy smile.
As you can tell, all my kids have interesting names. I will choose to tell you all about how they got their amazing names for a day when my adventures get me nowhere. (You can just remind me later, I'm pretty sick of writing right now.)
I guess that wraps up my post for now, but look for some super exciting adventures to come next time on..... Adventures in Parenting!!!!!
Wow your kids are growing up! I miss you guys! This is great keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteShandy :)
Wow! My first comment! Thank you Shandy for having that honor. Make sure you become a follower. I miss you too. I can't believe you are a grown up college girl! Good luck in your schooling and let us know next time you visit.
ReplyDeleteNice post! I love your name too! I will be following in Google reader for sure!
ReplyDeleteMoonwillow, just when I didn't think you could be any more of a total, 100%, bona fide, state-of-the-art BABE, you go and do something like this!!!! I am SO happy you decided to blogify your blessed, beautiful self into the blogosphere. We needed you here and have been waiting on the edge of our seats for you!!!! Look out world here comes M-Dubbs!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete...Do you think I used too many exclamation marks? Does it seem like overkill? ...No way, Jose! You canNOT overkill the kind of joy one gets when their kindred spirit takes the blogoriffic leap of faith!!!!!!!!!!! :D Way to go ranking, way to go. And gorgeous pics of gorgeous kids.
Um, LOL, in the future I think I'll skip commenting from my "smart" phone. :) "Ranking" is obviously NOT what I was trying to say! I was trying to say way to go *something else and I can't for the life of me figure out what...* you get the point tho, right? Haha better get some more shut-eye...
ReplyDeleteI knew you would be happy.