When I originally started this post, I figured it would just be read by my friends and family. You know, the people that already know me. Well, I found out this is no longer the case. There are people from all over reading my blog and wondering who I am. Allow myself to introduce..myself.

I am Amanda. I was born a Robinson, but I will die a Watt. I came from a polygamist family of 13 kids. (My mom had 7 of them). Every single one of my brothers and sisters are a valuable asset in my life. We didn't always have the best childhood, but we made the most of what we had and we are all fairly good friends now.

These are my mom's kids, I can't find a picture of the rest of my family, but I love them just the same!!!
I met my sweet husband and soul mate at the tender age of 7. He was the first person I dated, the first (and only) person I have ever kissed and I have no doubt he will be the only person that I will ever be with. The best part is, all of that stuff goes for him as well.

He only has eyes for me!
I am 32 years old and I live in Eagle Mountain, Utah. This beautiful little town that I live in is just about the best place a person can live. The air is clean, the people are friendly, the neighborhoods are safe and everyone knows who I am. Being a substitute teacher for Alpine School District, I specialize in the Special Ed classes.
If there is anything to know about me, it is my love for children! I have a passion for kids with special needs and a desire to help counsel girls that have been sexually abused or assaulted. Thus, I am a student of psychology. I will soon have my Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a concentration in pediatrics. I will go on from there to obtain my Master's and eventually my Phd in Pediatric/School Psychology. The ultimate goal for both my husband and I is to open a ranch for girls that have been sexually abused or molested. We will be doing animal therapy on the ranch with a major focus on Equine therapy. It will be called The Return To Innocence Ranch.

Is there anything more innocent than that sweet face?
I have a lot of interests and things that I do in my spare time, but my main focus is my family. Everything I do and say is usually thought out and spoken with care. I spend most of my time teaching my children by example the way to being a healthy and happy adult. I calculate my interactions with everyone because I want my children to learn how to relate with other people. I am in no way perfect, I do yell at my children every now and then and my husband and I do get into arguments. The key is to follow through to the end and to show them that it is not possible to be good all the time, but it is possible to correct mistakes and to learn from them.

I really don't like to talk about myself, but I thought it should be known by all who they are reading about and the motives I have behind the interaction I choose to have with my kids and my husband. This will be my last boring post, I promise! I just had to get all the introductions out of the way so we could start on the meat and potatoes of what really inspires me... my own children.

Are juu keeding me? ;D I LOVE hearing about you Mrs. Watt!!! You are charismatic, lovable, and totally intriguing, and you make everyone feel completely at ease around you. I feel that same vibe while reading your posts. Sorry but I like hearing about what's going on with you too! So if you lapse for a while and don't give the people what they want (i.e., your kids, hubby, AND you,) you know I'll be commenting up a storm! ;D Love you Missizz.